
B is for Babies, Business and Besties

So its been a super busy couple of months and its not really going to be slowing down for awhile I feel like, but I had my first real day off from work and now I dont know what to do with all this time to myself so I decided to get some pictures up from the eventful last little bit. We shall start with BABIES!

It all started with Amber having a little boy. His name is Liam Matthew and he is absolutely adorable. He is super smiley and just nice. He likes to just get your attention and when you talk to him his whole face lights up!

Next came Brookes time for birth. They had a beautiful little girl named Jalie Rose. I have not got to see her in person yet but I cant wait to just kiss her cute face!

And then last but not least came Alicia and Bens little one Kashe Benjamin. Him I did get to meet and he is so precious. Having been close enough to see Liam all the time it was shocking that Kashe was so small. You think Liam is just a tiny baby and then you see a brand newbie and Liam looks like a giant. Today I got to hold Kashe while we shopped all day and he purred and grunted like a little kitty the entire time. I told Alicia it was because he was so happy he finally got to see me again.

What can I say Carrolls make cute babies. I cant wait for everyone to go home and get together for the wedding. Everyone knows I hate having to share a baby with anyone but with 3 I will probably always have one to hold this time.

Next in my latest adventures has been BUSINESS. Josh decided way back when to start a frozen yogurt place up and so it happened! I am managing it for them so I got sent to training in California for 2 weeks to learn how to basically start it up, staff it and run it! We have been open since last Friday and its going really great. I love being the boss, apparently its in my blood and it really is the first time I have felt challenged by a job which makes me enjoy it so much more! It was crazy getting everyone trained and getting the store put together so I was pulling like 14 hour days, which was tough but hey I know Ill love the paycheck. Its almost hard to leave now because Im afraid things might just fall apart haha. But I guess you have to leave your baby alone, in someone elses hands sometimes.

..and of course BUSINESS brings me right to BESTIES! When Josh told me we needed to find someone to do all this business with me who else would I put in a good word for but my bestie Destry. So our business trip was me and Des for 2 weeks in California. I know my life is kind of a dream. It was alot of work and we had a lot to learn but we also had alot of fun. We were minutes away from the beach and Disneyland and thousands of malls and our hotel had a pool. Any time that wasnt work time was play time. We also decided to use our food money for Disneyland which was the best decision ever. It will of course get its own post as it was my very first time and awesome with tons of pictures. So now we are just besties that happen to run a store together also!


I know it's late but...

I didnt get a chance to write before because things have been crazy but I want to wish everyone a happy mothers day. My mom of course,my grandmas, my aunts, my cousins, my friends (since these days most of them are mothers now), my wonderful sister in laws Brooke..who will be a mother again very soon and Marley, and especially my amazing sisters Amber and Alicia! Amber will be blessing her newest addition this weekend and takes mothering four like a pro of course, and Alicia is just weeks away (finally!) from having her first little munchkin!! I could not be more happy for her and Ben and I know she is going to be amazing! I always find little sappy things to say on mothers day and cry a little and feel sorry for myself but this Mothers Day I really wanted to focus on how blessed I am for the "surrogate" mothers in my life. No one can or ever will be able to be my mother like my real mother but I am so glad I have so many loving and caring women in my life. There are so many good examples for me to look up to and for that I am thankful. Without getting to emotional since I am in class writing this I just want to say I have the most amazing family and I love them all, but there is just something about my sisters that make them basically angels on earth. Amber is an amzing mother to her beautiful kiddos and has shown me what rich blessings come from being a homemaker, wife and mother and to do it all with humor and sweetness. Alicia has shown how to be strong, commited, true to yourself, patient and loving and I know all her little ones will be so blessed to be children of hers. Maybe they will even listen to her and stay in school ;) I know and can see that they are amazing for their little growing families but I really cant ever thank them enough for being the women and mothers in my life, to talk to me even when they are busy because they actually have lives. To feed me at a restaurant when they know Im struggling for cash! To cook me meals and let me stay at their houses when I just want to hang around and not shower (although me not showering is not their preference). I feel so blessed to have them around and I wonder how everyone in the world is not jealous to have such sweet sisters! They remind me everyday of the great qualities that my mom possesed and I see her in them more and more as they get older, I even almost cried and laughed one day watching Amber because she scolds exactly like my mom did, I felt like I had been in McCadens shoes getting the same ultimatums! So I love you Amber and I love you Alicia and I hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy Mothers Day to all and I love you all!


A little photo story...

So there I was sitting in my room bored..(which is usually how my blogs start)...and I think Im going to make a photo story with the pictures off my dads camera, play a little catch-up if you will, since I have not really had a camera of my own lately. I get started with great ideas and intentions...to make a long story short I have many ideas as to how to make blogger better because I am currently so angry at how everything kept turning out. So everything is messed up and out of order but here it is anyway.

Christmas 2009- Me and my newish nephew Brody boy!

Jed and Mersadie. Basically adorable. Sorry for the slight nudity but Mersadie did not have clothes on in alot of them.

The Beautiful Girls in their Christmas dresses.

Me and my McCaden girl, isnt she getting so grown up and beautiful.

Me and Marley throw Jordan a surprise 18th Birthday.

Isnt Jordo actually a cutie when he smiles.

Brody Pants and his usual candy face.

Stargirl and Pudge start dating. They love to spoon!

Easter 2010-We get to go visit Nate Brooke and Mersadie. We dont really have many pictures because we just layed around a bunch but it was so great to see them. Mersadie loved her new Nikes.

Amber had her Fourth baby..a little crazy?

The pretty sisters and Sarah. They just love their new baby brother.

Jed likes his momma alot so we shall see how much he really loves having baby Liam around.
big pretty sisters ;) By the way Alicia finally looks Preggers!

Baby Liam cuddling with his soon to be cousin Charles Buckingworth Richins the Third aka Chucky.

Me and my newest little friend.
My dad coaching...rough year?

My future sista!

Christmas- I thought this picture was pretty crazy because it almost has everyone in the fam in it. Its rare to even get that many of us together in the same picture.

Jordan had his senior year of football.

Stargirl broke up with Pudge and started dating a tree.

Senior night for Jord.

So that is a little bit of whats been going on. Everyone got pregnant. Jord turned 18 and proposed 5 days later. So by the 10th of July I will have another sister, 3 more nephews(even though I technically already considered Brod one) and one more niece, and probably still no boyfriend. But its all good it will make it an even 2 bro in laws, 2 sistas in laws, 4 nephews, and 4 nieces, None of the other siblings can say it that way so Im cool.


Puppy Love!

So Its been awhile again and I have started several posts but I never finish them and so Ive decided to just start anew! So I guess I will start with my valentine! It was of course my puppy. My family thinks Im crazy but for Halloween I bought myself the best present... a Baby Beagle!! Her name is Stargirl and I really do love her. She is super cute and really funny. She loves to cuddle and thinks she is a human that gets to eat and sleep with me. She is most of the time a good dog but thinks she is the boss of the house which sometimes gets her in to trouble. She controls our big dogs that are 3 times her size and plays with them like they are the same size. She has already gotten so much bigger and she is 6 months old or so but she is probably just about done growing which I think is the perfect size dog. She loves kids but is terrified of Ambers kids especially Austyn who never misses a chance to hold her. She is also very protective of Brody which is really cute. She will go up and kiss any person she meets and unlike other beagles rarely barks at any human unless they are teasing her. So I know it may seem pathetic but My puppy was my valentine this year and Im actually ok with that.

Sleeping like a baby!

Our first day together. She slept for about the first 3 weeks straight..she was such a lazy chill puppy.
Just lettin it all hang out.
Stargirl and her sisters! Shes in the middle...isnt it kinda weird I can tell which one she is. She is totally the cutest!

This is how she usually ends up on my bed. She sleeps with her head up like a human and usually tries to hog the whole bed. And when I move her she usually makes a mean snort at me.

Well thats my puppy love!


and shes back!!!!!

So Its been super forever but I guess I will try to play catch up.
I live in Provo..(well actually Orem) nowadays and I am loving it. Its go go go all the time and I always have something to do. I am about 30 minutes from Amber, Josh and the kids and its been so much fun getting to play with all the monkeys so much more. I cant believe I ever made it only seeing them every couple of months because now I feel sad if I go a week without visiting...plus Amber gives me real food so that's always a plus plus! My best friend Des lives up here and her roommate Becky and I have also become good friends. Us three together get into all sorts of adventures and often times have the ridiculous pictures to show them. So for a little summer recap I will show some of our fun summer times!

80s Dancing
Random Halloween Party

My Friend Emilys Baptism!!
Hari Krishna Temple Trip(not even gonna pretend to know how to spell that)

Llama Face!
Random Dance Party

Spur of the moment Zoo trip

Lovely Sunday Hike.....or not so lovely

Freedom week before the flour battle!
Some Guys boat...
A parade...with llamas
The night that never ended...getting candy supplies
chillin at a token mexican fast food place
dance party that started it all
a little more freedom!
So that's all kind of random and I will try to be better about keeping up so I don't have to that anymore. but random was the path of the summer!