I didnt get a chance to write before because things have been crazy but I want to wish everyone a happy mothers day. My mom of course,my grandmas, my aunts, my cousins, my friends (since these days most of them are mothers now), my wonderful sister in laws Brooke..who will be a mother again very soon and Marley, and especially my amazing sisters Amber and Alicia! Amber will be blessing her newest addition this weekend and takes mothering four like a pro of course, and Alicia is just weeks away (finally!) from having her first little munchkin!! I could not be more happy for her and Ben and I know she is going to be amazing! I always find little sappy things to say on mothers day and cry a little and feel sorry for myself but this Mothers Day I really wanted to focus on how blessed I am for the "surrogate" mothers in my life. No one can or ever will be able to be my mother like my real mother but I am so glad I have so many loving and caring women in my life. There are so many good examples for me to look up to and for that I am thankful. Without getting to emotional since I am in class writing this I just want to say I have the most amazing family and I love them all, but there is just something about my sisters that make them basically angels on earth. Amber is an amzing mother to her beautiful kiddos and has shown me what rich blessings come from being a homemaker, wife and mother and to do it all with humor and sweetness. Alicia has shown how to be strong, commited, true to yourself, patient and loving and I know all her little ones will be so blessed to be children of hers. Maybe they will even listen to her and stay in school ;) I know and can see that they are amazing for their little growing families but I really cant ever thank them enough for being the women and mothers in my life, to talk to me even when they are busy because they actually have lives. To feed me at a restaurant when they know Im struggling for cash! To cook me meals and let me stay at their houses when I just want to hang around and not shower (although me not showering is not their preference). I feel so blessed to have them around and I wonder how everyone in the world is not jealous to have such sweet sisters! They remind me everyday of the great qualities that my mom possesed and I see her in them more and more as they get older, I even almost cried and laughed one day watching Amber because she scolds exactly like my mom did, I felt like I had been in McCadens shoes getting the same ultimatums! So I love you Amber and I love you Alicia and I hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy Mothers Day to all and I love you all!