
over this year...my hair

So I was sitting here wondering what I could blog about while the baby Im watching is sleeping. Then I decided to make a yearbook of my hair. For the first 20 years of my life I had blond hair, usually long...with a few random cuts and perms that were awful in retrospect. Then came this past year.

Here is the beginning...this was what I looked like a year ago. I was showing this guy some pictures on my phone, he came to this one and really believed that this was not me.Here was my first cut...I was scared out of my mind, you never know how you are gonna pull off short hair..I was afraid I would look like a man.
I put in these random "regrowth" pictures to show what my hair looked like the few days before I went back in for the next cuts. This is Lagoon..it was hot.i was sweaty. my hair was gross.
This was the first time I really let Des have a go at my hair...I loved my bangs the most after this cut, she did exactly what I wanted.
This picture is so so sick, haha. It had been awhile since I had seen Des...enough said.
This was the same day...I wore the hat thinking it was hiding the nastiness...not so much. Oh and I really dont know what Des is doing.
This was the first time I put real color in my hair...it wasnt much but I was nervous.

This was a close up of what my bangs looked like, they were all jagged and multicolored.
Once again with the regrowth...I tend to wear it curly more...then it just looks purely ridiculous.
Totally red! I finally got down to Provo and decided to just go all the way.
This was a few days ago haha. It is such an odd color right now but I actually love it. It has grown out funny and its weird that most people have dark regrowth and I have white roots. Its like peachy red with blonde highlights.

So that is it...the result of having my best friend in hair school.


8 things because Im bored...

1. Post rules on the blog
2. Answer the six 8 things questions
3. Tag 8 people and leave them a comment so they know

8 Favorite TV shows
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. The Office
3. Scrubs
4. Friends
5. Jon and Kate plus eight (I love all the craziness)
6. Dexter
7. What I Like About You (Amanda Bynes is pretty much my hero)
8. Reba

8 things I did yesterday
1. Slept in...this is a habit...Im working on it
2. Babysat Josie
3. Donated plasma...and made 20 big ones
4. Ate some chicken noodle soup
5. Picked Katelyn up from the dorms
6. Took Kate to Wal Mart to get some drugs
7. Watched some Greys and nursed Kate back to health (apparently it didnt work)
8. Watched The Count of Monte Cristo with a buddy

8 Things I'm looking forward to
1. Going Home!
2. My Provo anti-v-day
3. No SNOW!(this is what my cousin said...but I hate snow so I stole it)
4. Mals wedding!
5. Not being in Laramie...even though I am rather enjoying myself right now
6. Dinner...I dont look to far ahead these days haha
7. going for a nice run...im feeling frumpy so this will be nice
8. seeing everyone this weekend

8 favorite restaurants
1. Olive Garden
2. Don Pedros
3. Grandmas house
4. Applebees
5. Sanfords
6. China King Buffet (shocker I know but I love the mongolian grill)
7. Taco Time
8. Arctic Circle
( that was hard I only like a few real restaurants)

8 things I wish for
1. Everyone to be happy! ( Im like a bubble of love these days)
2. A man...
3. children of my own...after the man...way down the road...
4. some money would be nice
5. to never have to work haha
6. for my car to be paid off
7. to get to travel
8. a puppy

8 people I tag:No one in particular...whomever wants to play!


Happy Birthday Mom.

Its been five years.
Today my mom would be 48 years old.
There has been six birthdays and Christmases.
There has been three grandchildren born.
There has been three marriages.
There is step-family and dogs...and cats.

For me there was three schools, two teams and one dropout. My first kiss. My first school dance. My first apartment. and several first days of work. There was my first love...followed by my first broken heart.

In the wee hours of the morning it hit me. There are just times when it does. Ive learned its just better to let it.
I realized this morning that I miss her just as much today...actually more.
I cried the same way I cried that first day, the same helpless way I cried many days after.
The pain in my stomach, the not being able to breath, was not so bad.
I was sad, a little angry and pretty full of self pity.
I felt the same pain that I felt five and a half years ago.

...but then something amazing happened...

I felt the same love. the same peace. the same comfort that I felt five and a half years ago.
Christ knows my pain. and we are never alone. I felt the same reassurance that I did in the car to go see her...that families can be together forever. Thats the promise. Thats what really matters.

Now Im just sad to think that there are people out there
(perhaps a twenty year old girl who lost her mom five plus years ago)
that do not realize, or understand, that simple yet perfect truth.

I am blessed.