It all started with Amber having a little boy. His name is Liam Matthew and he is absolutely adorable. He is super smiley and just nice. He likes to just get your attention and when you talk to him his whole face lights up!

And then last but not least came Alicia and Bens little one Kashe Benjamin. Him I did get to meet and he is so precious. Having been close enough to see Liam all the time it was shocking that Kashe was so small. You think Liam is just a tiny baby and then you see a brand newbie and Liam looks like a giant. Today I got to hold Kashe while we shopped all day and he purred and grunted like a little kitty the entire time. I told Alicia it was because he was so happy he finally got to see me again.
What can I say Carrolls make cute babies. I cant wait for everyone to go home and get together for the wedding. Everyone knows I hate having to share a baby with anyone but with 3 I will probably always have one to hold this time.
Next in my latest adventures has been BUSINESS. Josh decided way back when to start a frozen yogurt place up and so it happened! I am managing it for them so I got sent to training in California for 2 weeks to learn how to basically start it up, staff it and run it! We have been open since last Friday and its going really great. I love being the boss, apparently its in my blood and it really is the first time I have felt challenged by a job which makes me enjoy it so much more! It was crazy getting everyone trained and getting the store put together so I was pulling like 14 hour days, which was tough but hey I know Ill love the paycheck. Its almost hard to leave now because Im afraid things might just fall apart haha. But I guess you have to leave your baby alone, in someone elses hands sometimes.
..and of course BUSINESS brings me right to BESTIES! When Josh told me we needed to find someone to do all this business with me who else would I put in a good word for but my bestie Destry. So our business trip was me and Des for 2 weeks in California. I know my life is kind of a dream. It was alot of work and we had a lot to learn but we also had alot of fun. We were minutes away from the beach and Disneyland and thousands of malls and our hotel had a pool. Any time that wasnt work time was play time. We also decided to use our food money for Disneyland which was the best decision ever. It will of course get its own post as it was my very first time and awesome with tons of pictures. So now we are just besties that happen to run a store together also!