
Things that make me go ahhh...

So nothing new ever happens in my life so thanks to Shalee and her recorded shows...I get to keep up on a few of my favorite shows.
In case you, like me, dont have tv and you dont have a job where a sleeping baby makes it possible to indulge in these shows...here is all you need to know.
These are some of my favorites!!!

I never really cared much for Dancing With The Stars, but grandma Day got me all hooked and now I love it...
Here is my favorite Dancer Mark. I like Shawn(the star)also but it really comes down to me wanting to Rumba with Mark.

And here is my favorite Star.
of course I am all about the man candy...Im just a girl...

And then there is American Idol...
I love Matt and am so glad he got saved. He is not the best best. but he is precious.
I could not find a video from him because I think they might be illegal...but I got some decent ones of the 2 frontrunners.

and here is the one that deserves to win the most. Danny!

and Adam can kill it...but I still want Danny to win.

I know your all thinking I am a super loser but just go to youtube and look at the time and effort people out there really put into making odes to these people and I will look alot less dorky.

and then there is my favorite movie right now...it makes me laugh everytime I watch it. I just love it and everybody should see it!!! This part is so funny especially McDreamys comments haha!

So that will probably make everyones computers load really slow so I will leave it at that. I had some fun so what the heck. Enjoy!


lindsey said...

i love adam...and so does my new gay friend brandon haha
tell brooke to add me again its sad she blocked me

Anonymous said...

SERIOUSLY ASHLEE YOU HAVE AN EFFING BLOG AND I AM NOT APART OF IT!?!?!? This is Tina Kaminska - in case you have forgotten. I'm the one that we had a lot of funny moments in basketball at WWCC. Well, I miss you dearly and I'm so glad that I have found you and you are safe and sound.

What is new in your life? Are you still with your boy toy?? YOU WENT TO ST. GEORGE AND DIDN'T CALL!?!?

e-mail me your address to tkaminska@hotmail.com, because I want to keep in touch with you and blog stalk you!! Miss you girl!