So nothing new ever happens in my life so thanks to Shalee and her recorded shows...I get to keep up on a few of my favorite shows.
In case you, like me, dont have tv and you dont have a job where a sleeping baby makes it possible to indulge in these is all you need to know.
These are some of my favorites!!!
I never really cared much for Dancing With The Stars, but grandma Day got me all hooked and now I love it...
Here is my favorite Dancer Mark. I like Shawn(the star)also but it really comes down to me wanting to Rumba with Mark.
And here is my favorite Star.
of course I am all about the man candy...Im just a girl...
And then there is American Idol...
I love Matt and am so glad he got saved. He is not the best best. but he is precious.
I could not find a video from him because I think they might be illegal...but I got some decent ones of the 2 frontrunners.
and here is the one that deserves to win the most. Danny!
and Adam can kill it...but I still want Danny to win.
I know your all thinking I am a super loser but just go to youtube and look at the time and effort people out there really put into making odes to these people and I will look alot less dorky.
and then there is my favorite movie right makes me laugh everytime I watch it. I just love it and everybody should see it!!! This part is so funny especially McDreamys comments haha!
So that will probably make everyones computers load really slow so I will leave it at that. I had some fun so what the heck. Enjoy!
i love adam...and so does my new gay friend brandon haha
tell brooke to add me again its sad she blocked me
SERIOUSLY ASHLEE YOU HAVE AN EFFING BLOG AND I AM NOT APART OF IT!?!?!? This is Tina Kaminska - in case you have forgotten. I'm the one that we had a lot of funny moments in basketball at WWCC. Well, I miss you dearly and I'm so glad that I have found you and you are safe and sound.
What is new in your life? Are you still with your boy toy?? YOU WENT TO ST. GEORGE AND DIDN'T CALL!?!?
e-mail me your address to, because I want to keep in touch with you and blog stalk you!! Miss you girl!
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