
Home Alone 12

So I am home alone because my roommate abandoned me to become a groupie! Sad I know. So I already showered and danced around in my underpants...I have cleaned everything even my room which needed it very much. and I think I finally got rid of the tuna fish smell. I went shopping for eggs and milk and I went bowling for FHE. I have also listened to the first song on my blog like ten times...I am a little addicted. I even read a little of The Host which is the latest book I have decided to read..and don't worry I have not touched my homework...that's just how I roll. So now I have decided to write a blog despite the fact that I have nothing to write about..its all part of the procrastination plan.

Today I woke up feeling sick.
It could have something to do with Linds not letting me sleep all weekend but I have never been sick so much as I have been since I came to Laramie. Another reason I should move. Believe me I take any excuse I can. The cops here hate me and I never have a place to park. Its cold. There are no boys. Ok there are boys but apparently I have a sticker on my face that says "wyotecher nasties...please hit on me...I love it" Not all wyotechers are bad but surely I find the worst.

Weird fact: People named Rob love making it in my life. There have been several guys named Rob that I have met since this summer. I never knew any Robs before then. So there is Rob..older kid that made me cry...he loved my best friend and ruined a trip for me. Then there was the much loved Robifus, and by much loved I for sure mean...jerk that looked like celery. I don't know why I said celery, but I'm gonna leave it. Then most recently there was Robbie. Robbie is scary, but I gave him a chance and he was for sure a nasty. Now I hope I don't meet any more Robs because I am running out of variations of the name. I also decided with Lindsey to keep the men in my life straight I would call them. B1 B2 and B3. These are not Robs although Robbie did make it to B2. But all the B's are boys that keep texting me despite hints. I guess hints are not enough but I don't like confrontation and when I told Robifus I was not interested he gave my number out to many and called me really mean names..so now I just try to pretend that I fell of the face of the earth. I have not quite perfected this yet.

So you may be thinking...WOW...Ashlee is kind of a little brat. Maybe so...or maybe now I just know what I want.
Here is what I don't want
1. I don't want to "chill"
-B2 asks me this all the time...if you cant ask me ahead of time or ever take me on a real date...your not worth it. Once your familiar with a guy or you have mutual friends that all want to chill, then its ok. But in B2 language chill means...I want to smooch...I'm not down little buddy.

2. I don't want you to pretend that you like the same things as me.
-This was B3. Its cool if a guy doesn't like everything I do but if you say your a big fan of The Office and then when I agree to watch it with you and you don't even know the names of the characters, and ask a billion questions...well that's just stupid...don't lie.

That's actually my only complaints haha I am actually very happy with the single life. But some real dates...like where I get fed would be awesome right now. So pretty much I am just hungry I guess.

Speaking of hunger. I cannot wait until Thanksgiving! Good food is part of it but I really just need to go home and see my family. Also I need to do laundry and I have convinced myself that I can make it without doing anymore loads here. I have done two loads in the past month probably. It was my workout clothes and my favorite pants and sweaters. Don't worry its not as gross as it sounds...I just have enough clothes that I can do that..haha... so really its a good thing because those clothes that never get worn are getting a chance..I also wear my workout clothes and sweats alot.

Also speaking of hunger...I am gonna recommend a book. Its called Hunger Games by Suzzane Collins. It was really good and its really an easy quick read. and it has a sequel to follow...which I love.

Well I guess I will stop with the randomness and do my work. Much Love!


tracy said...

Ashlee you crack me up! This is your cousin Tracy. Oh the college and dating years....ya gotta love them. Someday you'll find prince charming....don't settle for any less! See ya soon....hopefully at the Christmas party.

Jaycee & Baylee Carroll said...

Looks like your doing good being home alone- your hilarious-- Keep having fun!

Brooke Carroll said...

Ashlee, you are so funny. I totally understand how weird boys can be. There actually was a guy that was stalking me when Nate first asked me out, and all he wanted to do with me was ride a bike and talk about how much he loved burritos. Weird! And he would call my house about 15 times a day. Some of them just CAN'T TAKE A HINT, no matter how brutal you are! Don't worry, you just keep those nasty tech boys at bay! Trust me, 4 of them used to live beneath me when I was in Laramie. Love ya and can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving! We are really excited to see you!

Brooke Carroll said...

Hey! Sounds great, we are so excited to get to come home too. Yeah, I added Lindsey so tell her hi for me and that I hope she's doing good. Talk to you soon!

Kim said...

The company I went through was called Tri-state Nannies. I'm not sure if they are even around anymore. The only thing I suggest....go through an agency! Don't answer ads by yourself. As long as you go through an agency, your families will be screened and you will as well. It's a lot of screening that has to be done-but oh so worth it in the end!
Good luck!

Jaycee & Baylee Carroll said...

Oh my honey i love that ash deer picture it's so cute! Hope you have a great christmas- Tell everyone we say hi and Merry Christmas! Ciao-

TinaBean said...

email me at tinaredmon@hotmail.com so i have your email and i will send you an invite k :)